AWR Toolkit

This guide and the accompanying toolkits are intended to help APSCo members assess the impact of the Agency Workers Regulations on their organisation and that of their clients. It is made up of three sections, and these are available in three separate publications as listed below:

  • A Hirer’s Guide to the Agency Workers Regulations 2010: An introductory guide for end-user clients. Download it here.
  • A Hirer’s Guide to the Agency Workers Regulations 2010 & AWR Risk Assessment Toolkit for Members: This includes the Hirer’s Guide, for members’ reference when undertaking the Risk Assessment. Download it here.
  • A Hirer’s Guide to the Agency Workers Regulations 2010 & AWR Impact Assessment Toolkit for Hirers: This includes the Hirer’s Guide for reference when members assist their end-user clients in undertaking the Impact Assessment. Download it here.

Before undertaking an Impact or Risk Assessment, we would strongly recommend that you read the information contained within Section 1 and that Section 3 is used in consultation with your client.


AWR guidance


Further documents on AWR

  • AWR Risk Matrix - A guide for assessing the risk with regard to AWR. Download it here.
  • AWR Equalisation Checklist - A form for gathering information on comparator basic terms conditions for agency workers. Download it here.

The AWR Toolkit is for use by APSCo members only, and their clients. The facts, information, and opinions contained herein are correct to the best of APSCo’s knowledge as of the time of publication. However, this is intended as a concise, introductory guide to the legislation and not as a substitute for legal advice. Our aim with this toolkit is to help members and their clients understand this legislation by providing an overview of the Agency Worker Regulations 2010 (“Regulations”) and to pinpoint some of the issues surrounding the impact and risks presented by it. These documents do not constitute an exhaustive and complete reference guide for the Regulations. The Regulations can be downloaded here.