Inside Legal & Compliance

APSCo's Inside Legal & Compliance Briefings (formerly known as Quarterly Board Briefings) can be accessed and downloaded below. These reports can be attached to board briefing packs and are intended to educate board members on upcoming legal and regulatory changes affecting the recruitment sector.

The report will provide dedicated commentary on the legal issues and developments, which should enable a proactive response to changes in the legislative landscape and provide you with a potential competitive advantage.

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APSCo Inside Legal and Compliance - Q3 2024

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APSCo Inside Series Legal and Compliance - Q2 2024


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APSCo Inside Legal & Compliance: APSCo Board Briefing Q3 2023

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APSCo Quarterly Board Briefing Q2 2023

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APSCo Quarterly Board Briefing 2023 Q1


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APSCo Quarterly Board Briefing 2022 Q4

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APSCo Quarterly Board Briefing 2022 Q3