The Beating Heart of the Scottish Economy

This report seeks to add to the debate about the future of work in the Scottish economy, to highlight the importance of flexible working and the role of APSCo members in boosting productivity and dynamism in the labour market.


  • Scottish Enterprise and Skills Development Scotland must engage with APSCo and the recruitment industry generally to understand the skills demand in order to shape Sectoral and Regional Skills Investment Plans.
  • Offer support to APSCo members in their partnerships with not for profit organisations, schools and academia to promote higher education and career paths to fill the skills gap.
  • Government must increase access to existing apprenticeship funds for Scottish business and continue to innovate in the development of apprenticeship programmes.
  • Government must support the extension of the apprenticeship scheme to non- employed workers and agency workers.
  • Continue to support SMEs through legislation and incentives and recognise the value of self-employment to the dynamism and flexibility of a modern knowledge based economy and the role of the Recruitment Industry in boosting productivity in the economy.
  • Greater appreciation of the need to attract and allow access to highly skilled, specialist migrants post Brexit despite ongoing efforts to fill the domestic skills gaps.

You can download the APSCo Scottish Skills Report here.