Wednesday 22nd March 

This webinar will kick off sharing some insightful data on the legal recruitment sector, followed by a thought-provoking session on how advances in technology can revolutionise the business of recruitment, and in particular the candidate journey. 

Welcome & introduction

Kathryn Riley, CEO, Douglas Scott

APSCo update

Shazia Imtiaz, General Counsel, APSCo

The current legal sector landscape - regional and vacancy highlights 

James Chaplin, CEO, Vacancysoft

Following an unprecedented 2022, recruitment within Law Firms so far this year has been somewhat more unpredictable. What is clear though is the use of AI and automation within Law Firms is accelerating and this is now starting to translate directly into what they are recruiting for, where the composition of their workforce is shifting as a result. Therefore, in this presentation we are going to be analysing what the law firms are currently recruiting for, what are the hotspots and where are the opportunities for recruiters in the sector.

Technology challenges – keeping pace with new innovation

Steve Carter, Co-Founder, The Ability People 

During this interactive session, Steve will cover:

  • As business owners are we as advanced in our knowledge of new technologies as we need to be?
  • Meeting the everchanging needs of the industry in terms of automation and AI – CHAT GBT
  • Do our support teams now allow us to be dynamic with technologies? E.g. Power BI skills, and Data analytics

Come armed with those niggling technology questions, that never seem to get answered!

Q&A session and final remarks run by Kathryn Riley


Steve Carter

Steve Carter

Co-Founder & Director, Carter Squared

Find out more

James Chaplin

James Chaplin

CEO, Vacancysoft

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