APSCo Webinar

Wednesday 19th June

Following the recent partnership between APSCo and Recruitment Juice, which provides APSCo members with access to Inclusive+ as part of their government-funded training, this webinar aims to educate members about the diverse opportunities available through government-funded training for all age groups and to explore alternative training options.

Jackie and Teri will guide you through everything you need to know about maximizing the benefits of government-funded training and understanding when alternative training might be more appropriate.


Welcome, introduction & APSCo update

Teri Etherington, Head of Talent Development, APSCo

Government funded vs traditional training – what’s right for you?
Jackie Rees, MD, Sales and Online, Recruitment Juice  
Teri Etherington, Head of Talent Development, APSCo


  • What is government funded training?
  • How can it benefit recruitment businesses?
  • Who does it suit?
  • When is another solution a better option?
  • What is critical to the success of training regardless of the style of option you choose?
  • What challenges are we facing in the market right now?
Q&A session



Teri Etherington

Teri Etherington

Head of Talent Development, APSCo UK

Find out more

Jackie Rees

Jackie Rees

MD, Sales and Online, Recruitment Juice  

Find out more